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Download Pokemon Shiny Gold Gba

conthoscaematpholo 2020. 10. 7. 14:30

  1. Download Pokemon Shiny Gold Sigma Gba
  2. Pokemon Gba Gold Rom
  3. Download Pokemon Shiny Gold X Gba Rom
  4. Download Pokemon Shiny Gold X Gba

TOP 5 SHINY FAILS OF THE WEEK! Pokemon Let's GO Pikachu and Eevee Shiny Montage! Week 4 - Duration: 10:38. ADrive 353,185 views. Pokemon Shiny Gold ROM is one of the most played and downloaded Pokemon Hack Version of Pokemon Fire Red. This version of pokemon shiny gold game is released in 2008 which was a big achievement for Zel and his team. Zel and his friends have made some amazing effort to make the rom hack possible.

Last updated on November 29th, 2018 at 10:09 pm

Pokemon Shiny Gold ROM is one of the most played and downloaded Pokemon Hack Version of Pokemon Fire Red. This version of pokemon shiny gold game is released in 2008 which was a big achievement for Zel and his team. Zel and his friends have made some amazing effort to make the rom hack possible. After this Pokemon game, another Edition in this version was also demanded after the successful hit shiny gold rom which name as 0Pokemon Shiny Gold X. Composed of new features and characters. Some extraordinary features of movements in every direction are made possible.

You may also like Pokemon White ROM OR Pokemon Cloud White

Some Basic Info about Pokemon Shiny Gold:

  • Release Date: October 2008.
  • Original Version: Pokemon Fire Red Rom
  • Version: Beta 5
  • Author: Zel


Pokemon Shiny Gold GBA Rom Snapshots:

Download Pokemon Shiny Gold Sigma Gba

Discussing the Shiny Gold Game Storyline:

The Story starts from the Johto region. Where many characters are in waiting for your arrival in the region. Now after entering to this region, you have to explore all the amazing mysterious of Pokemon. Actually, those Pokemons will in some places which are hidden sometimes. If your pokemons are hidden then explore them to use them properly. These pokemons can enjoy excited captures.

The main story belongs to the main character who is a Young Trainer in the game. After the game starts you will have to train some pokemons. Then you will become the greatest Trainer ever in the Pokemon Shiny Gold rom download zip. After training yourself and pokemon in the area for about more than Three years. You will finally go out for some adventure of a boy from Pallet Town. You may also try Pokemon Yellow

Shiny Gold Rom Pokedex and Battle System:

The Pokedex of Pokemon Shiny Gold gba rom version has been updated from the previous version after adding some new characters. These characters are in the shape of some evil as well some good pokemons. Also one of the interesting features of the game is that the Pokedex is, even more, bigger than Hoenn Pokemon.

The Battle System is present in the game with lots of new features and updates. Some new Characters and trainers are present for the purpose of promoting the better gameplay of shiny gold rom version free. The Pokemons which you have in the game can be use for the purpose of battle with the Evil Pokemons. Note that the Evil Pokemons are in the form of teams. These teams are really powerful.

Graphics and Music/Sound System:

The overall graphics of pokemon Shiny gold are amazing. Some new buildings are also present with high-quality UI present. You will experience the newer version with some amazing changes in the environmental view. Also, the gameplay is change in a way that the angle measurement is quite unique and absolute. The Physics in the movements of the main player is awesome, which gives a better gameplay experience.

The Music System is present with lots of new features and new music installed on the backend. The GS REMIXED Music and Sounds makes a realistic gameplay during the mission completion and all that’s stuff. There are some new Puzzles and trick houses which are really enjoyable while you play the game.

Disclaimer: Pokemonlog.com Don’t Provide ant Type of Hack, Crack, Patch, Mod and Virus Containing Download setups. All the Setups given here for downloading purpose are 100% Tested and Working. If you find download Link not working or broken then report us contact@pokemonlog.com

Some of the Amazing features of Pokemon shiny gold rom:

  • New Trick Houses and Puzzles are present.
  • The UI and Graphics are high quality.
  • Amazing Platforms.
  • Great Envriemontal area.
  • GS REMIXED Music System.
  • Mission Completions Extends.
  • Amazing Battle System.
  • The Physics of the game is awesome.
  • The Hoenn Pokemon is also present.
  • Some hard puzzles.
  • Realistic movements are present.

Download Pokemon Shiny Gold Version GBA ROM For Free


Prepare for an ultra Pokemon Game Boy Advance gaming experience, introducing an improved version of Pokemon Shiny Gold Sigma.


Pokemon Gba Gold Rom

The Pokemon Ultra Shiny Gold Sigma by Zel and Alex is finally released and now includes lots of new features, some changes, bug fixes, and improvements from the previous version.

There are over 807 Pokemon in Ultra Shiny Gold Sigma and added support to Mega evolution and various changes to sprites, structures, moves, and abilities. The 7,000+ Facebook fans of Ultra Shiny Gold Sigma can’t go wrong for supporting this game and you should too. Get this game now play it on your favorite GBA emulator

Download Pokemon Shiny Gold X Gba Rom

Game Information

Pokemon Ultra Shiny Gold Sigma
Author: Alex and Zel
Game base: Pokemon FireRed
Cheats: Click here
Guide: Click here
Source: link


  • 807+ Pokemon from Generation I to VII and Alola forms
  • Mega Evolution
  • Rightful evolution at every single Pokemon
  • New evolutionary stones
  • New items
  • A simulated Wonder Trade system, called Miracle Exchange
  • The Battle Frontier facilities are scattered throughout the game
  • An EV-IV screen is available to help manage your Pokemon stats
  • New effects added
  • Competitive stuff available
  • Fly everywhere
  • All Gym Leaders offer rematches in Johto, Kanto, Orange Islands and Hoenn
  • Badges as Crystal order and colored
  • Improved graphics, colorful & elegant
  • System clock automatically walk with 5 changes (Dawn, Day, Afternoon, Dusk, Night)
  • System clock automatically walk with 7 weather times
  • New sprites include: main character minisprite, places, tiles, trainers, Pokémon sprites, Several new overworld, battle, and trainer sprites, several graphs, etc.
  • Pokemon more likely to capture that were previously rare (Hoenn, Sinnoh, Unova, Kalos and Alola species)
  • Sounds remastered & enhanced, more aligned to Pokemon Crystal version
  • Similarity to Anime occurrences & new rivals accorded to Manga
  • Leaders reinforced, stronger Gym Leaders. Lorelei, Agatha, and Giovanni also make an appearance, more difficult & new Ex-Elites
  • New objects, new main characters, history, places, music, events.
  • New abilities, new attacks.
  • New Pokémon icons, new trades, Bicycle fixing, new in-game trades, new quality of life improvements
  • Complete Pokémon Location and available Pokédex to index them all
  • Battle Frontier Battle Tower facility
  • Rufflet and Vullaby can now be obtainable at route 45
  • Hoenn is up to Route 117 – Vendarturf Town (ORAS Style
  • Jolteon, Flareon, Vaporeon, Leafeon, Glaceon, Sylveon, Mightyena and Decidueye can now learn shadow ball
  • Rockruff can now be found in Dim Deep Cave
  • Navel Cable Car


Pokemon Ultra Shiny Gold Sigma Download

Download Pokemon Shiny Gold X Gba

File size: 8.28 MB

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